Does Your Profession Affect Your Auto Insurance Rate?
Your profession can affect the rate you’re assessed for an auto insurance policy. Typically, occupations that attract lower auto insurance rates are ones in which the insured must be detailed in his job or must make safety a priority in his everyday work activities. Alternately, positions that are considered significantly stressful or necessitate that an individual spend a good deal of time in a vehicle command a higher auto insurance rate. People who use their cell phones in their cars as a part of their jobs are also considered to be at higher risk and must pay more as well.??As a result, insurance companies determine rates with regards to occupation based on several criteria. Basically, the insurer will decide on an auto insurance rate by considering the stress level of a job, the number of miles traveled to and from work on a daily basis, whether or not a job requires operation of a vehicle, and the amount of communication that takes place while in transit.
As a result, executives or business owners generally pay higher auto insurance rates than research scientists or people whose occupations involve the development of products or materials, for example, all of whom are individuals involved in safety training. As these individuals generally must be more focused and detail-oriented in their work, insurers believe such people will behave more cautiously behind the wheel and therefore be more attentive when driving.
Consequently, when your insurance provider determines the auto insurance rate for your auto insurance policy, he is taking into account how your daily tasks at work can impact the way you drive. By reviewing your occupational profile, the insurance provider is able to assess risk and make the appropriate modifications or changes with respect to your auto insurance policy rate. Thus, a career that entails a good deal of stress can increase the premium on an auto insurance policy as it is believed the individuals in such jobs are apt to be more distracted when driving and thus make more mistakes. Alternatively, professions requiring attention to detail but which are low-stress can bring auto insurance rates down, as people in these jobs are considered to be more focused when they drive and therefore have fewer accidents.
Thus, speeding occurs more often in high-stress occupations as individuals are less careful and drive at a faster rate. Research shows that healthcare professionals are more likely to crash than driving instructors, for example, who very seldom are to blame for accidents of this type. Therefore, your profession does indeed have an impact on the ultimate rate you’ll pay for coverage for your car. If you’re in a high-stress occupation, you’ll most likely pay more.