A Guide To Getting Auto Insurance Quotes Online

Buying auto insurance online is something anyone can do. The days of locating an insurance agent, driving to his or her office during working hours and waiting for a quote are long gone. Now, thanks to the Internet, you can buy insurance in your pajamas, 24 hours a day. All you need to compare and purchase auto insurance is a computer, access to the Internet, some basic terms and a few minutes.
Before you log online to compare auto insurance rates, you should familiarize yourself with a few insurance terms. Minimum requirements are just that " minimum. But make sure that if you are aiming to just maintain that minimum that it provides you with all the coverage you think you may need. You should also understand the difference between comprehensive coverage and collision coverage. Collision is coverage that pays only for the other driver's car in an accident you cause. A comprehensive coverage policy pays to fix both the other person's vehicle and yours. It will also protect you against an uninsured motorist accident. Finally, you need to think about options. Do you want your insurance to cover a rent-a-car while yours is in the shop? Do you want insurance for theft of items in your car? You will also need to decide if you want to pay by the month, quarter or year.
Now that you know what kind of auto insurance quotes you need, where do you go to find them? Every major insurance company has their own website for online sales. If you want to go with any of the big providers, simply Google their name and go to their website. If you would rather look at a wide array of policy offers, visiting independent sites like may be a good place to start. These sites allow you to see quotes from many different insurance companies at a time. If you are a member of an organization like AAA, you should visit their site for a quote. If you're older, AARP may have a policy for you. There is no shortage of auto insurance websites, so get as many insurance quotes as you need to feel confident that you are getting the best deal for yourself.
Finally, a word about online applications. Do not buy any policy from a site that requests unnecessary personal information. Social Security numbers, driver license numbers and back account numbers are things you should never reveal online. They are not needed for auto insurance quotes and releasing them may make you vulnerable to identity theft.
As long as you follow these guidelines, comparing and buying auto insurance online is safe, effective and above all, easy.