How Opting Out Of Auto Insurance Add-on Covers Can Put Your Vehicle at Risk
When deciding the amount of auto insurance coverage to buy, many drivers barely graze over the add-on covers that they are offered. These add-on covers provide additional insurance for varying scenarios, ranging anywhere from natural disasters to auto theft and beyond. Avoiding add-ons keeps the cost of an auto insurance policy low, but it can prove an extremely costly strategy. Drivers who opt for basic auto insurance coverage amounts may be putting their vehicles and themselves at great risk, and understanding the benefits of additional coverage is a vital step when buying a new policy.
It is important to consider whether each add-on cover represents a possible or highly improbable threat to your vehicle, based on different criteria such as your driving location. For instance, special coverage against natural disasters might not be worth the extra money if you are living in a safe part of the Midwest, but it might be valuable if you are living on either of the coasts. Auto theft coverage, which is often included as a part of comprehensive coverage, should be approached with a similar mindset. Your auto insurance policy can easily be customized with special coverage types to prepare your vehicle for the area of your residence.
One of the more important elements to deciding on add-on auto insurance coverage is your driving habits. The more you drive, the more coverage you generally need. Roadside assistance is one example of a valuable add-on, particularly if you commute large distances or if you’re planning a cross-country trip. The coverage does not cost very much and quickly pays for itself if you get stuck on the road somewhere. If you add modifications to your car, you’ll definitely need coverage for any customized parts that you add. Do not ever make the mistake of assuming that you’ve got auto insurance coverage; read your policy very carefully to determine what you are paying for, paying particular attention to any terms that mention exclusions. Be aware that covers differ from company to company; for instance, “accident forgiveness” could potentially mean just about anything. Usually, the terminology around coverage options is easy to understand, but do not be afraid to call your insurer and ask questions.
By using add-on covers, you can build a much stronger auto insurance policy and avoid the possibility of a sudden insurance surprise. You should carefully consider each option that you are offered and think about whether you’d need that coverage if an accident were to occur. If your premiums get too high, try looking at a few companies to get your auto insurance costs back to an affordable and reasonable level.