Truths About Auto Insurance Rates Being Cheaper For Female Drivers
There are a number of popular misconceptions about auto insurance and the way that insurance providers decide quotes for their customers. However, some of the popular knowledge is fairly accurate–for instance, female auto insurance often costs less than auto insurance for males. This isn’t true in all cases, of course, and understanding the way that gender affects insurance statistics (and therefore, insurance rates) can be very helpful when you decide to look for a new, lower-cost auto insurance quote.
As many drivers know, insurance companies rely heavily on statistics to gauge whether drivers will make claims on their policies. This allows them to accurately give low-cost policies to safer motorists. It’s a process that lends itself to a lot of discrimination, which is why younger female drivers will often see lower rates. Women make fewer claims on average than men. Some types of “discrimination” in auto insurance rates are illegal according to state and federal law, but an insurance provider is completely within its rights to discriminate on the basis of gender. Other factors may push a female driver’s auto insurance premium higher than the average male police, however; for instance, making even a single claim or getting a traffic citation will affect any driver’s rates negatively, and the lower rate given to a female driver will disappear instantly due to these types of incidents.
Age is also a major factor in insurance company statistics, and once a female driver reaches a certain age (usually around 65), her rates will be significantly higher than male drivers of the same age. This is because older female drivers, for whatever reason, tend to make more claims. Some insurance companies have speculated that this is due to female drivers’ propensity to allow other drivers (such as their husbands) to handle the driving duties at the later stages of life, which can make a female driver less experienced when she needs to get back behind the wheel. Whatever the case, age and gender have a direct correlation, and the average cost of any driver’s insurance policy will fluctuate throughout his or her life based on insurance company statistics.
Drivers don’t have any control over their age or gender, but by keeping a clean record and regularly reassessing your insurance policy, you can lock in the lowest rates possible for your coverage. Always look at more than one auto insurance quote, and try to lower your potential risks by choosing a safe vehicle. Every driver can find low insurance rates, but it’s important to take an intelligent approach in order to avoid overpaying for your car insurance coverage. You will be lucky you did when you have a premium that’s easy to pay.