How To Prevent Auto Insurance Hikes After Receiving A Driving Ticket

Auto insurance hikes are something that every driver wants to avoid. These may come as the result of an accident, because a driver has lapsed on a payment, or because they were not insured at the time of a collision. It is also possible that auto insurance hikes may come as a result of a driving ticket that is received. No driver wants to find a ticket in their mailbox, or be pulled over on the side of the highway, and more importantly, no driver wants their insurance rates to climb because of the ticket they've been given. While in some cases a rate hike will be unavoidable, there are a few ways to help prevent auto insurance rates from climbing after receiving a ticket.
First, call the insurance company and see what kind of options they offer. Some companies provide coverage programs that allow the first ticket or tickets up to a certain number of demerits to have no effect on the cost of insurance. In addition, make sure that if the ticket received is a photo-radar ticket that the insurance company knows this. These tickets cannot be tied to a particular driver, and thus carry no demerits for a license, and this can make a difference to many insurance providers.
It is also in a client's best interest to pay off the ticket they receive as soon as possible. Unpaid tickets that then go to collections or warrants will speak to a client's ability to maintain a clean driving record and make payments on time, and may result in an increased rate. If a driver has been unfairly accused, it can be worth going to court or hiring a service to fight the ticket, but if the offense is genuine, paying the ticket off immediately is the best course of action.
Drivers should also remember that auto insurance companies are no longer allowed to refuse coverage based on previous driving records. This means that even if a driver has several tickets on their record, a new insurance company is not permitted to refuse to cover them on that basis. The company can ask to see an abstract, but a drive can refuse. The company can then set rates at a very high level, but again, cannot refuse coverage outright.
If at all possible, drivers should avoid any tickets they can to keep their insurance rates low. If a driving ticket is received, however, it is in a client's best interest to pay off the ticket, contact their insurance company, and, if necessary, consider switching providers to another insurer who can offer them greater ticket forgiveness.