How To Save Money On Auto Insurance Quotes For Your Children

Your teenager is old enough to drive; now you have to face the reality of securing auto insurance quotes for your child. Teenage drivers are among the most expensive to insure and if you have more than one teenager in your house, you may be wondering if you should revert to the use of horse and buggy.
There are a few things you can do to lower the cost of insurance for your teen driver. You can obtain an online auto insurance quote from several companies in a matter of a few minutes. This will give you a good idea of the range in price for insurance. You can lower the cost of insurance by raising deductibles. If you feel that your teen is responsible and a careful driver, this may be a good option. The lower premium can allow you to save a little more each time you pay the premium. In the event that an accident should occur, you may discover that you have saved more than the difference in the deductible.
Another way to save money on auto insurance quotes for teen drivers is to obtain a good student discount if your child qualifies. This is simple to get. You just need to turn in a copy of the most recent report card for your child. This needs to be done each time the auto insurance policy comes up for renewal in order to keep the good student discount. If your child goes away to college, the good student discount can still apply as long as the grade requirements are maintained.
Many states require a teen driver to take an approved driver education class or course before being allowed to obtain a driver's license. Most insurance companies recognize this and apply a discount for the driving course. If you live in a state that does not require the driving course, you can reduce your premium by having your child enroll in and successfully complete a driver training or defensive driving course. One slight drawback to this may occur if your child receives a ticket. In states where tickets can be dismissed by taking a defensive driving course, this will typically make that option unavailable for a period of three years. An online auto insurance quote can demonstrate the difference in premium prices and help you determine if you want to go this route.
Other options for saving money on your auto insurance quotes include obtaining your home and auto insurance from the same carrier. You typically save a substantial amount between the two policies this way. If you add an additional vehicle to your policy with your child, you should also receive a multi-car discount.