How To Spot A Poor Driver Before They Cause Damage To Your Car

A poor driver can quickly cause a huge jump your auto insurance rates - not to mention a big dent in the side of your car. Unfortunately, there's no way to stop poor drivers from being on the road, and when you drive, you risk running into a poor driver or two, both figuratively and literally. However, drivers can often adapt their driving habits to spot poor drivers before they cause damage to a vehicle, and making a few modifications to your day to day driving habits can make a big difference in keeping your rates down in the long term.
The key to avoiding a poor driver is practicing defensive driving techniques. Defensive driving is a term that gets mentioned quite often, but many drivers are still unaware of the concept; basically, when you drive defensively, you drive while assuming that other drivers are going to make mistakes that might lead to an accident. Defensive drivers avoid situations that could potentially lead to a collision and pay as much attention as possible on the road. For instance, if you're trying to turn left on a road and another car has its turn signal indicating a right turn, it's best to wait until the car's wheels started turning to go, because you can't rely on the signal alone to know how the driver will react.
Drivers who are interested in defensive driving techniques can get educated by finding a driving course. Driving courses are a great way to learn how to spot and avoid a poor driver, as they teach drivers new ways to be responsible on the road. They're free or inexpensive and they don't take a lot of time to complete; what's more, they can qualify a driver for lower auto insurance rates. This is because insurance companies are aware of how accident statistics are dramatically lower for defensive drivers, and evidence that a driver is improving his or her skills by taking such courses can be a powerful tool for getting lower insurance rates. You should contact your agent, however, to find out if special rates or discounts are available for drivers who take these types of classes. Some insurance companies don't offer discounts, and it's always best to have this knowledge up front.
Driving defensively is effective and can even save your life, so adapt your driving habits right away or look into a defensive driving course. You'll quickly learn how to see a poor driver on the road and how to avoid driving in a way that might invite an accident, and over time, your auto insurance rates will benefit greatly from this new knowledge.