Why Auto Insurance Quotes Are Free Online

The Internet has become a widely trusted source for anyone seeking free online car insurance. Insurers offer this type of service because they know that, in a tough economy, you need to be able to save as much of your money, time and other assets as possible. You will eventually have to pay something for your premiums as a holder of the policy, whether they are monthly or annual, but this is different from the initial act of finding a policy and agreeing to it. Drivers must have a certain minimum amount of coverage under most state laws, and there is no reason to pay anything for a brand new policy just to stay legal. Comparison sites help you navigate through auto insurance quotes in a timely manner by retrieving them from a certain number of competitors and letting you view important information, including price, for each. Auto insurance quotes should not come up short of offering you coverage you actually need for a decent price.
Free online car insurance can prove legitimate as long as you are not asked to provide information that is too personal. You may be surprised to find out how little it takes to do this. For example, you may give out your ZIP code to find out what prices you can expect with a local insurer, or you can provide your vehicle's make and model. But you face a risk of identity theft if you even so much as provide your first and last name as they are. In other words, it is best not to provide any information that is unique to you. There are suggestions that you can alter your name or date of birth, but to do this would effectively be providing false information and you will not want to be on public record for doing so. Simply tell the truth, and if you are solicited for any information you do not wish to disclose, make this clear to your prospective insurer.
There is nothing wrong with getting a new auto insurance policy for free as long as you can confirm that it is not a scam. More than simply being helpful to your budget, signing on to a policy like this will not force you to give away information about you that compromises your security. It is a matter of knowing how even the most basic information can be used against you if it ends up with the wrong people. You are encouraged to get started in your search for a trustworthy policy today and address any questions or concerns you have with someone who can help you via email, phone or other means.